lauantai 4. helmikuuta 2017

Reading articles in English

As a part of my ALMS I decided to read articles about different subjects from foreign newspapers and websites, like BBC and CNN. I think it's a good way to learn new vocabulary from the subjects that are interesting to me. On my studies I often have to read books in English, and the books are related to social politics. To make the reading easier to me, I need to learn more vocabulary.

Today I found this article about the difference between an expat and an immigrant. I have never thought about it, so the headline caught my interest. The word expat has meant to me just what is written in the article, a person who has moved to another country voluntarily to work or just live. It was interesting to read opinions of other people too.

I gathered all the new words to me from the article and memorized them. After that I told to my husband in English what the article was about and tried to use all the new words too. It was hard!

New words:

  • connotation = sanan oheismerkitys tai sen luoma mielleyhtymä
  • preconception = ennakkokäsitys
  • abruptly = äkillisesti, yhtäkkiä
  • siege = piiritys
  • referendum = kansanäänestys
  • arcane = vaikeaselkoinen
  • squalid = rähjäinen
  • confiscate = takavarikoida
  • moniker = nimike, lisänimi

Independent studies so far: 6/51

Field trip group so far: 2/20

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